1) Today I got the high score functionality in the game, including profile integration and the end of level screen. I also did a title screen. The High scores are flexible so that users can add their own songs if they like; it will automatically include them in the system.
2) Next week is the last of the semester, and there really isn't too much left as far as the skeleton of the game goes. The flow of gamestates is in place and everything SEEMS to be functioning properly. The one tail end from a hard days work today is that I need to calculate the average score and accuracy for the profiles. This should take maybe a half an hour. Next week I may work on my formal DFA for the game.
3) It seems that I made it on schedule, and although the game is basic, all the functionality I wanted in my design document is there. There is a lot of room for features, primarily in stat keeping and profile comparison, but I believe the design of the program is flexible enough to allow such additions if I choose to. Although they are not priorities, I may add them if I get all the graphics and sound implemented, toward the end of next semester.
The only other thing I want to add is possibly a custom GUI and get rid of swing; this would certainly make it prettier and theres a possibility that I could reuse a lot of the listeners/ActionPerformed methods I already have.